Explore our Tenets
There is no person or authority that can stand between you and your connection to The Divine. You are the master of your body, as it is your property; your sacred Temple of God. We honor each person, in fellowship, as the sole/soul owner of the physical matter that makes up their body.
The physical body is God’s divine artwork. Our devotion is shown by the purity of our mind, body, and soul, starting with the body. The body shall never be maimed or genetically modified, patented, combined with unclean blood of beasts or aborted fetal cells, etc.
Every being has the right to pure water, unobstructed fresh air, and clean and natural organic/non-GMO foods, to nourish their property (their living body).
The Breath is the Sacred Instrument that connects us to God. Through the inhale, we condense back into the zero-point of God’s presence. Through the exhale, we expand back down to the game of life bringing God into this realm. Air is the bridge to God, and we must at all times have access to unobstructed air flow.
Each man or woman has the right to decide what goes in, on, and around their body. Your body is your property, and you uphold the rights to your property in the utmost sacredness. Your body is your Temple, where God Dwells. Each of us must govern our property according to our personal covenants with God.
No other being, or persons calling themselves a ‘government’ may supersede God’s Law that each person holds for themselves, as men and women living in harmony with the land. God dwells in you and you are of God. Only you can set your own Divine Law and govern yourself in the highest integrity, in accordance with the Laws set forth between you and The Divine.
No group of people calling themselves a government may mandate anything concerning your property, as each of our members are men and women living on the land, serving God, and [as such] in the Jurisdiction of GOD, who’s court lies OUTSIDE and ABOVE the jurisdiction of corporate ‘governmental’ structures.
We come in Peace and Honor. By our highest sacred doctrine, dictated by GOD, our bodies are our property. As such, we hereby notify all men and women who, at times, act as a ‘government,’ that our bodies, our offspring, etc., are our property; and at no point shall our rights to travel, feed ourselves and our families, or pursue our livelihoods to care for our property be restrained by ‘mandates’ acting against the Jurisdiction of God’s Law.
It is our Sacred Duty to self govern, each person governing themselves, exclusively under God’s Law, with the utmost of integrity. Our only responsibilities are with The Divine, and as such, will lead the way as we perfect ourselves through inner sanctification.