Welcome Divine One.
We are elated that our movement is growing, and by the resonance of our hearts and mission, we’ve aligned! We are on an incredible journey to inherit our Divine Estates both spiritually and literally. Thank you again for your donation to Templīs Aquária and for being a part of the most exciting movement of the times, that of world wide decentralization and redistribution of power. I believe we all innerstand how needed a community like ours is at this time. But I know that many will not innerstand the amazing opportunities that are at hand on this journey that we’re being invited to partake in.
I am so inspired by all of the incredible things on the forefront in terms of freedom, liberation, spiritual progress and technological advancements. There has truly never been a better time to be alive and of service than at this moment – as the old world dies off and drops away and a new, Balanced, Whole, and Pristine world emerges. I am honored to keep the temple for our brilliant collective. As a temple keeper, I may at times invoke the legalese term ‘Minister’ or ‘Church’ when interfacing with the old decaying de facto world. But my role is simple: I keep the temple clean, organized, running on schedule, and so on. I respond to our growing body of members and help mold and grow this temple accordingly. I am not elevated in any position to you; more so, I am of service to you.
One thing I vow is to never put Templīs Aquárians under any other jurisdiction that could destroy the only rule of governance we have: Govern yourself according to your highest integrity and private covenants with Source. No one has the authority to supersede your authority over yourself. We are all masters here, and I will fight for this to be maintained as the standard in all of our interfacing with the external world with the entirety of my being. We have come from an entire epoch where our trust was betrayed over and over. This stops now, as we give ourselves pause, agreeing only to govern ourselves accordingly. There has truly never been a higher spiritual calling than this, especially at this time.
Should you stay up to date with the flow of this group and the weekly classes/services, you’ll begin to see some masterful upgrades in your external reflections. There is truly a world that we never dreamed could exist waiting to be discovered. I will be bringing in an assortment of guest teachers and ministers to take us further on our path toward sovereignty, both within and without. Many guest teachers have created special classes just for our online Temple, feeling the resonance and alignment of our collective mission. I’m very excited to share all the opportunities for growth on the horizon!
All encompassing Self-Mastery and Self-Ownership are what’s in store for those who engage in our coomunity and stay closely connected with our journey. If you are willing to put in the study and work, new levels of existence will unlock for you. We are currently focusing on a Law for Living Men and Women to address the pressing external threats of tyranny, as well as privacy technology, homesteading, free energy, and all topics New Sovereign Aerthe. We seek to empower our community and ministers with knowledge not only to protect ourselves in these times but to excel and thrive in a new world that WE create, not the old power that were.
We will be hosting members who will share on Free Energy Devices, Forbidden Healing Modalities, Regenerative Agriculture, Crypto for the sovereign-minded, and other things like this, etc. If you feel inspired to contribute to any of these topics please reach out to the templekeeper. These courses happen weekly on Sunday evenings, 6pm AST (Puerto Rico time). Please check either the pinned messages in our telegram group or our course Portal to register. These classes are either free or come with a donation of around $25 that is donated peer to peer (directly to the instructor), and have, on average, 2-4 hour’s worth of amazing content from guest teachers within our temple. These teachers could charge thousands of dollars for their knowledge, but they believe in our mission and share generously within our temple. Donations are made to each guest teacher directly. Templīs Aquária receives none of their donations. There are scholarships available from time to time for the classes based off our abundance account, so if you are experiencing financial duress, and want to take a class, please watch for the scholarship announcement to drop in the telegram chat.
Some notes:
~For those just entering our temple, you may feel overwhelmed, shy, or just confused. Please feel free to introduce yourself and get involved! Some have asked “Where do I start?!” Our advice is to post and share, list your offerings, and read everything on the website.
There are so many amazing and life changing courses included in your membership on the portal, take a chance, and join a class. Some classes I received profound benefit from was Accelerated Emotional Sovereignty and Unveiling the Financial Matrix. But to be honest, they are all paradigm shattering and liberating on so many levels. Highly recommended to take advantage of the classes!
There are also many resources in the pinned messages that may help your situation, such as a template of a notice to serve the airlines, if you fly, notifying them of your religious practices (ie. breathing unobstructed air from your nose, as this is our main form of prayer). There is also a document that contains a list of episodes from a podcast that some of you may have heard about us on called Crrow777 Radio. Their Law Series features several episodes based on Law for Living men and women with industry leaders. I would recommend reading that document and finding episodes you feel inspired to listen to.
~Please only refer your trusted friends and family to our temple. We’re about creating an aligned temple space of people who want to master the matrix by mastering their inner selves.
~We are transitioning into a structure based on self-governance (Autocracy) and privacy. We arrive here as weary as a world who spent the 26,000 years in the Age of Pisces: the age of illusion and deception. We have found each other because being governed by lying psychopaths is no longer an option. We are on a journey to detox the old, decaying, de facto governmental structures and transition into Self-Governance and Sacred Autocracy under the Jurisdiction of Source. This might sound like it leads to chaos, and indeed for beings who are not aligned, it certainly would. But in my experience, self governance can lead to an even higher level of resonance and integrity. Being totally free and responsible for yourself, governed only by your highest integrity, discovered from frequently accessing Zero Point (God’s Presence/ Source Consciousness) within, gives us more accountability and more ability to take responsibility for ourselves fully.
~The more we can detox from the sensation and reality that others are in total control, the more we can begin to naturally shift into full ownership of self. This is a journey full of many spectacular epiphanies and realizations, as we travel from the constricted to the infinite!!! And it’s a deeply personalized journey. You are solely at the helm of your vessel. As we get to know each other as a community, we can grow into the phase of Trust, as Trust Law is a prominent theme (the jurisdiction of air). We’re repairing not only trauma from betrayals inherited in our genetic library but also from cycles of broken contracts and treaties from ages prior. Thus we find our collective group of peers activating to free themselves from tyranny while discovering and working on Trust Law and Contract Law in the external reflection; building The New Sovereign Aerthe in the reflection that WE wish to see it, based in Truth and Resonance.
~Templīs Aquária Church strives to be a safe, neutral ground and a transition space where we can work on the spiritual aspects of Self Governance, within the process toward self-mastery. We found each other because we are a solutions-based people, seeking religious exemption to invoke our rights and claim our self-ownership or wanting to better ourselves with cutting edge classes. Now, we offer glimpses of a reality that some of you have never even dreamed could be an actuality.
~The strategies, topics, and guest teachers that we will highlight and bring in over the lifetime of our temple will expand your mind, challenge you, and inspire you! You may feel moved to tears of relief or you may feel scared, overwhelmed, and skeptical, all in one. This is normal. Remember your breath. As your external world begins to be sprinkled with ideas and concepts that bring you out of the old jurisdiction, it can become overwhelming. Know that there is no set way to do any of this. This is about self discovery as well.
~Everything is a direct reflection of your own spiritual condition. Ten different people could do the exact same process and get 10 different results. That’s because this world is quantum, and it can only reflect the limitations, or lack thereof, we have inside.
~You’re invited to begin looking inside to start shifting into an autocratic, self-governance model. For me, the more I embody this, the more I am inspired to practice the utmost integrity and accountability. You’re invited to forget everything you were taught and look with fresh eyes. You’re invited to begin to dream the world anew, in the way you wish to see it. And, of course, you’re invited to heal the wounds of the entirety of the past generations within your blood. Know that as you heal, it happens instantly and is applicable in retrospect, as time is not linear. But do take your own cadence in this approach. We will be sharing different tools and techniques to clear DNA and past traumatic events as well.
~A great tool all Templīs Aquárians should have in their pocket is to rely on the Breath – inhaling to Zero-Point and exhaling, bringing that consciousness back through the living plasma of your heart space through the breath. Let this space be your guide. I also want to add a note on this breath that many may not know and understand: anytime we exhale through the mouth, or mouth breathe, we drastically decrease the amount of oxygen our blood can carry. That is because when one breathes through their nose, it stimulates the release of a vasodilator called nitric oxide. Even one exhale from the mouth will drastically decrease our oxygen carrying capacity for up to 45 minutes. This switches the nervous system into fight or flight, and it shunts blood away from our higher faculties to the vital organs, to preserve our life. This is the reason why heavy and rapid breathwork is so trendy these days. This breathwork has gained popularity in the “conscious festival” scene where psychedelics are depended on for a good time and escapism. Since depriving yourself of oxygen has a similar feeling of an out of body experience, it has become trendy. What these teachers don’t know/won’t tell you is that this type of breathwork could actually cause brain cell apoptosis and damage due to lack of oxygen. For this, I recommend that being conscious of our breath in a nasal breathing rhythm – slow, as long as possible, and seamless and steady – be the breath that guides you, not the trendy escapism-based breathwork. But, only you will know how to govern your vessel. I have heard people have profound results with that style of breathwork. I just want to make you aware of your tools.
~An update on our road map and goals: we have met several of these goals and are now officially a PMA! We have also launched our app. Thank you sincerely to all who have donated. On to the next goal!
~I also want to add in a disclosure, for clarification and integrity/expectation setting: There are 2 trusts/churches associated with 2 separate financial accounts. First, we have Templīs Aquária Church, which you are a member of and by which our meetings and events can take place online or in any location or accommodation that we rent or utilize for our ceremonial purposes. All your donations go into this account, and our ministers only utilize these funds to further the goals of this ministry: to purchase supplies, pay legal fees and course fees, provide scholarships or donations, purchase consultations to further our ministry, pay admins, organize church events, build website/app, and accomplish any of the items listed on our roadmap. It is exclusively separate from any personal items or living expenses for our ministers. Our ministers do not get paid, not even 10%. It is exclusively for the church and our stated goals. Second, there is our physical grounds: Templīs Aquária Templestay, that is an associated Auxiliary of the church, but separate from the church. We rent accommodations to church members and non-church members on our physical temple grounds. However, it is NOT open to the public, but by invitation only. This is my personal home, and I only say this as some members, who have come from traditional religious organizations, may be accustomed to visiting their church whenever they please, and have shown up here without notice. So, I must clarify.
We do open up the physical temple for our temple services, and when we do, it will be posted in our groups and is open to our members when we host Services here. But due to our vastly growing size, we will have to rent out other spaces soon, until we can build out a more formal (and larger) temple to host and house our growing body of members. All rentals (aside from the ones we donate to Templīs Aquária Church for the religious exemption fundraiser) go into my bank account that covers my living expenses (ie. this is how I make a living). We are often booked, and for this reason, it’s important to innerstand that Templīs Aquária Templestay’s physical grounds are separate from Templīs Aquária Church and, therefore, not open to drop-ins or visitations without invitation or a booking through the appropriate channels, either on the website or with me directly. Rates can be found on our website. Sincere thanks for respecting my physical privacy and that of our guests.
~UPDATE! We now have our new and improved website with features like automatic Spanish translation, a decentralized Peer to Peer Learning Portal, the Instructor upload dashboard, Affidavit Generator, Social Media, and a private section for members only. The next goal is developing our own privacy based currency AQA on DERO and securing means to communicate in the private, and eventually obtaining our own Autocratic Ecclesiastical nation, built on our tenets, with diplomatic immunity worldwide. Members will have the option to remain in the jurisdiction of Templīs Aquária Church or be shown how to create their own family governance structure (which is always recommended), but we will happily hold you while you transition to that level of self-mastery.
~I imagine if the world shifts to blockchain, a possible solution could be that, on the backend, Templīs Aquárians will have the leverage needed to negotiate a special private designation that allows us to flow in and out of the old world, with exempt status and diplomatic immunity from their jurisdiction, while we are in transition creating our new world. This is a lofty goal and will take many more seemingly impossible steps to accomplish, but I know many of you personally, and can feel the vibration of the rest of you, and I know that with our power and bandwidth, we could manifest anything we want. This will only be achieved as a reflection of our own spiritual mastery, as within, so without.
~I’m very grateful to share this sacred space with all of you and be on such a profound journey. Thank you so much for being a part of this vision – a world where everyone is their own master. It’s beautiful to watch us choosing to take care of each other during these trying times we’ve found ourselves in as we take radical self-responsibility towards Self Mastery. I’m pleased to see so many of us are focusing on solutions, despite the extreme stress presenting in some of our exterior worlds. I know in my heart that movements like ours are how we will find our way out of this mess, navigating ourselves onto the shores of Heaven on Aerthe.
Kalina Lux,